::: About The Car :::
- Name: Hyundai Ioniq Electric
- Specs: Battery is 28 kWh lithium-ion polymer , 200 Km independence.
- Details: https://24auto.ro/2018/09/proiectul-24auto-ro-electromobilitate-trece-la-faza-a-doua/
::: EXTERIOR :::

::: INTERIOR :::
- In a few words: quality, nice sound proofing, quite enjoyable !
- the lack of an actual joystick or gear shifter, with a big display in the middle, it makes you feel that you are in a space ship!
- a small disadvantage represents the fact that the window in the back is quite small and you get low visibility. However that is compensated by the big side-mirrors and the reverse camera.

::: How does it FEEL to drive this electric car ? :::
- 3 driving modes: ECO, NORMAL, SPORT: by simply pressing a side button;
- 3 levels of regen break: one-pedal-drive can be easily obtainable.
::: How is it to live with an electric car? :::
- If you are just a bit disciplined: very easy – plugshare is your best friend;
- If you live in a suburb: a dream – you charge it at home overnight while you sleep and in the morning you have it 100% charged up and ready to go.
- In my case: „Fit for purpose, fit for use” – see below details.
::: 7 days of fun:::
In the first 2 days we’ve done mostly urban driving to work in our mall area from home. We went shopping, to some friends etc.
We’ve also done short extra-urban driving in the area Sag – Peciu.
During this interval I tried to adapt to the car and to understand it better, especially I wanted to drive more economically despite the fact that something urged me to play more with those 120 horses available in an instant.
I think the car did a wonderful job integrating with my lifestyle and my driving. We actually tried to give „her” a name: „Ionica” (..in the lines of Johanna 🙂 )
The rest of the period represented a small holiday and we went on longer drives. We tried to reach different cities and simply:
- enjoy the autumn landscapes
- enjoy coffee on a quiet terrace
- take photos and shoot some videos
- pure pleasure of driving an actual electric car
I simply forgot about daily problems or „range anxiety”.. In other words we have escaped with the car!.
The actual movie of the experience is in work in progress, and will be published really soon.
::: Some Numbers! :::
Youtube is quite full of clips with people testing the car until the limit of it’s range in different temperatures. I did not have in mind to do such tests, but below you can see in what temperature intervals I have used the car in:

Car Range and Kilometers done
In 7 days, we covered 910 kilometers:

Safe Range from Giroc (taken from plugshare.com) :

kWh & Driving Style

The important days are : 03 ,05 of October- I’ve managed a consumption under 11 kWh !

As you can see, I’ve done almost all charges from home from an external power outlet. You cannot charge the car using an extension cord.
Yet another important thing to point out is the fact that the car rewards you back with more kilometers available if you drove Eco-friendly the other day. For example, by achieving and average consumption of 10.6 kWh in the previous day, in the morning the car will estimate 241 kilometers available at that rate of usage. (that’s with 50 km more than Hyundai recommends)
- Lane assist: very useful for longer trips. The car gently steers you into the center of the lane and for 5 seconds it can drive you. In case it detects that you are not giving feedback to the steering wheel, it will safely pool over. You also get a non-intrusive „beep-ing” when you overpass the lane without signaling and I found myself warned by the car. A few times, I also found myself talking to the car: „Yes dear, I know it did that…” but in the same time I also got warned by my girlfriend: „Hei, don’t you think you call her „dear” too often?!”
- VESS: because it’s totally silent at lower speeds, the car emits an artificial high pitched sound to warn nearby pedestrians or cyclists.
The sound is kind of low in intensity and you should take extra-care.
- Collision detection: I got cut-off in traffic plenty of times and the car immediately sensed the distances and the speed I was traveling and warns you quite hard that you immediatly get a reflex to put your foot on the break. This is quite usefull when you might find yourself lost in your own thoughts or simply was not 100% present.
- Customizable menu: lots of options, you simply can’t get bored. If you are in IT, you’ll love it.
::: Conclusions:::
- Ioniq , sorry.. „Ionica” loves the city and the suburb: it’s her Territory..
- Driving this car is simply a constant smile!
- It think this car besides saving you money can save you something more important: TIME!
- I would simply have an advice: take action. GO test an electric car now.
https://24auto.ro/electromobilitate/ gives you this chance.
- Oh.. and last thing.. I think I gave the wrong title to this article, it should have been: